Ritual Bath



This should be done periodically.


You will need:


  • A bath tub
  • A handful of sea salt
  • A handful of dried rosemary
  • A handful of dried sage
  • White candles (as many as you wish)
  • Oil (Essential Oil, like sandalwood, or olive oil if you have nothing else)


Sea salt is preferred but any type will work. The herbs can be added loose or bundled in cloth. The oil can be any essential oil, Sandalwood works best, but any natural oil can be used, like olive oil.

Pick a time when you won't be disturbed and have all your materials gathered. Run a bath full of warm water. While the tub is filling add the salt and herbs to the water. If you are using candles, light them and turn any electric lights off. If you like, play some nice relaxing music but keep the radio away from the water and don't listen to radio stations. Commercials will break your concentration.

When the bath is ready, take a moment to ground, center and release any excess energy.

Now make a prayer to the Divine:

 “Mother Goddess, help me to cleanse myself now of all that holds me back or blocks my growth and progress. Help me as I embrace my fullest potential and I open my heart to growth.”

Immerse yourself in the bath water so that every part of your body gets wet. When you surface, relax and let the warmth of the water soak into you. Take a few moments just to appreciate the sensation.

Now reflect upon your life. Think about every part of your life that has held you back. Every pain, sorrow, anxiety, fear, hesitation or self-imposed limitation. Review every painful memory, every event that ever hurt you.

As you think of each thing, make an affirmation to yourself and to the Divine:

 “I release this. It leaves me now.”

Release every issue that holds you back. When you cannot think of any others, ask the Divine for help:

 “Mother Goddess, look within my soul and help me to release whatever negativity remains that I have not seen.”

Now clear your mind. If thoughts come, do not respond to them, but let them drift right back out of your mind. Meditate this way for a few minutes. Let the Divine look inside you. Remain this way for as long as you are comfortable.

Stand up and think of all the things which you have released and say:

 “All that I have released, I leave behind me. May their energy return to the Mother to be reused.”

Step out of the tub but do not dry off. Let yourself air dry as you finish the spell. Look into the mirror, examine the face that stares back at you and say:

 “This is a good person. This is the child of the Goddess, who She loves.”

Now take up the oil and dab a bit onto your finger. Reach down to your feet and anoint the top of each foot. Say:

 “Blessed be my feet, that I may walk in sacred paths.”

Dab more oil onto your fingertips. Anoint your knees and say:

 “Blessed be my knees, that I may kneel at the altar of the Ancient Ones.”

Anoint your pelvic region and say:

 “Blessed be my womb/penis, that I may bring forth life, and art, and joy.”

Anoint your chest over the heart and say:

 “Blessed be my heart, which is formed in beauty, that I may love and receive love.”

Anoint your lips and say:

 “Blessed be my lips, that I may speak the words of Power in time to come.”

Anoint your third eye and say:

 “Blessed be my Mind's Eye, that I may see the unseen and receive messages of Spirit.”

Face the mirror again and look into your own eyes. Say:

 “In the name of the Goddess, I am blessed. Like a flower I shall open and grow. May all that I have released be replaced with the love and blessings of the Mother. So mote it be.”

Clear and release.


Blessed Be!