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New Chat Channels
Ravens Wyrd would like to announce our new chat channels! Below is a list of our new hosted channels!
#lobby – hang out and chat about anything
#help – general help
#BardicHall – host classes, teach, learn
#OpenCircle – ritual, healing & cleansing
#Technomancy – technology related chat
#TheDungeon – adult topics, almost anything goes
If you click the chat link in the navigation at the top, or Click Here, you can enter a nickname and join the #lobby. Once in the lobby you can type /list to see all the channels available or type /join #channelnamehere to join any of the channels listed above.
We are hoping that soon we will have classes available in our #BardicHall. 🙂 If you would like to teach a class, please join our Chat and talk with one of the OPs.